Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Autumn's hair is falling,
Brown, yellow and fading green.
He is flying in the wind,
Happiness in his heart.
Father sun pushes his left cheek playfully
And he becomes part of his warmth.
He glides to Mother Winter
And feels her gentle frost.
She wraps her arms around him protectively.
He buries his face in her soft white snow.

by Adrián, aged 7 and a half.





  1. Hi Sweetheart, what beautiful pictures, you haven't lost your touch. I love the video of the wind. When are you going to build a book of the fotos; I wil buy it.
    Tell Adri. that is a lovely poem. Ask him to write it on a piece of card or parchment and then put a lovely nature picture with it and I will frame it. It could go onto a pice of copy paper and then i can laminate it. Love Mom XXXXXX

  2. thanks ma. yes, it's an old poem but one of my faves...when he wrote it, we laminated it with some autumn leaves and he used it as a table mat. it's all a bit mangled now. will send you a copy if you like.
    the wind is nice, isn't it. these photos were taken in soria last november..probably about time i put some new ones up.
    thanks for you comment.
    love adri and kim. XXXX
